.Astronomy 5

September 16-18, 2013

New England Research & Development Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Organizers: August Muench, Jenine Humber, Alyssa Goodman, José Galache, Louise Rubin, Sarah Block, Alberto Pepe

Hack Day projects

Don't call me Colin

The International Astronomical Union has announced that extrasolar planets might get more interesting names. This is making one planet, Gliese 581d, a bit angsty. It really wants a nice mythical name like the Solar System planets and not to be named after celebrities or you mum or your cat (Colin).


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Python client for the NASA ADS API

A Python Module to Interact with NASA's ADS that Doesn't Suck™


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D3PO is a project designed to allow an astronomer, with no specialized data visualization skills, to make an interactive, publication-quality figure that has staged builds and linked brushing across plots.


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